Thursday, May 24, 2012

Review of John Mayer's Born and Raised

In the past, I have ignored John Mayer. Besides having all the morals of an alley-cat, his music was just pure pop and I don't care much for it.

I did catch him on TV a couple of times in his blues phase and was pleasantly surprised. He is actually a very good blues guitarist.

The other day a friend told me that the new album, Born and Raised, was supposed to be a folk album and pretty good. So I sat down and gave it three listens on Spotify.

Short version: I might happily listen to the album again on Spotify, but I have no intention of buying it.

Longer version: Critics have been favorably impressed. They seem to think that this is a departure from his pop days and is a blend of folk and Americana. Some have even invoked the names Bob Dylan and Neil Young. I'm sorry, but it takes more than adding a harmonica to mix it up with that company.

It's not a bad record. It's just a little dull without any standout lyrics or melodies to cut through the mellowness. The name that most often came into my head while listening was Jack Johnson; it definitely has that kind of a vibe but, unfortunately, of his mellower cuts.

I don't want to talk about individual tracks because one is pretty much like another.

If you already like John Mayer, I think this album will satisfy you. If you like Jack Johnson, you will also probably like this album. If you want real Americana music, you will be disappointed.


  1. I like how Spotify can be a review standard. :-) It sounds like it would be good background music.

    It won't surprise you to hear that I love Jack Johnson; but John Mayer's been on my "don't listen" list since Daughters--it was sweet but horribly gender-biased.

  2. I tend to think of Spotify more as my review copy.

    I like Jack Johnson as well (you were the one who clued me in to him), but his music is not real exciting.

    John Mayer gender-biased? After hearing his interviews, how could you say such a thing. lol
