Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Faith not Flu

In the midst of our economic melt-down comes news that a nasty flu virus is spreading the globe. One child has died in our country and many more in Mexico. It is possible that there will be more before this is over.

There have been plagues throughout history. One of the worst in very modern times was the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1917-1919, during the climax of World War I. In all, an estimated 525 million people were infected world-wide. It killed 21 million, more than 1% of the world's population and more than were killed in the war.

My grandfather was an city policeman when it broke out in Los Angeles. The virus had hit hard in the poorer communities of East L.A., and the entire region was put under quarantine. He was part of the squad assigned to enforce the embargo on people coming or leaving the zone. So frightened were the city leaders that the orders they gave the police were shoot-to-kill. I wonder if they would have been so draconian if the outbreak had been in Beverly Hills.

We have become a bit numb to crises like this. There seems to be a new one every week and many, like the bird-flu scare of a few years back, didn't impact us too much. On thge other hand, I do know people, as do you, who are in a perpetual state of worry over dramatic news events.

Whatever reasonable precautions you and I take, there is one thing that should be added to the list: prayer. Not so much intercessory prayer, though that is always in order. No, what we need is aligning prayer. The kind of prayer that seeks the face of God for peace and comfort rather than demanding answers and understanding. The kind of prayer that puts us in proper relationship with the creator and sustainer of the universe.

Even when we are properly aligned, it is possible that we may get sick, that someone close to us may die. I would never minimize the tragedy if this occurs, but I know that if I am aligned with my God and his ways, then I will be able to walk through this disaster and the next one becasue he is my strength.

So the next time the news scares you, turn off the TV or internet and go into the presence of God. Align yourself with his majesty. Receive his grace and comfort. And then go out ready to face anything.

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