Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another Celebrity Wanna-Be

Now it has come out that the woman who somehow talked her way into a White House dinner to which she had not been invited is in the running for a reality show. I guess we should not have been surprised after she bragged about it on her Facebook page. Had she not tipped off the world to her feat, the entire incident would have passed unnoticed--which must be a bit scary as far as the White House is concerned. But passing unnoticed is not what this woman--and the scores of others like her--is about.

What is it going to take to end society's fascination with reality shows? The shows have to get more daring to keep ratings. Will someone eventually die? Get pregnant from a dating show? Jon and Kate have shown that we will watch a show that helps break up a marriage. What is wrong with us?

I feel so old or at least old-fashioned. I don't watch any of these shows. This puts me out of touch with the average person I guess, but I don't care. I have no idea who wins Survivor or the Bachelor (they are still going, right?). I can't name you any of the people on the Real World. My life has enough difficulties that I am not interested in their problems--especially as most of their problems are apparently caused by their own narcissism.

Get used to seeing more like the balloon-boy's parents or the gate crashing D.C. housewife. As long as people watch these shows, there will be people vying to get on them looking for celebrity and the easy payday. And when something really bad happens, we will have to look at our own cuplability.

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